Turkey exported 2,200 different types of agricultural products last year.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, İbrahim Yumaklı, stated that Turkey achieved an export revenue of 31 billion dollars by exporting 2,200 different types of agricultural products to 212 countries and regions last year.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry İbrahim Yumaklı, Deputy Minister of Trade Özgür Volkan Ağar, Chairman of the Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, and Products Sector Board of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), Ahmet Tiryakioğlu, along with sector representatives, met at the Ministry.

During the evaluation, Yumaklı emphasized the importance and strategic value of the development of the cereal, pulses, and oilseed sector, which they consider as the guarantee of the country's food supply security. He mentioned the significant importance they place on consultation with sector representatives.

Yumaklı noted revolutionary regulations for transitioning to planned production in agriculture, stating, "We had set a timeline for ourselves, and this timeline is currently progressing smoothly without any disruptions. These issues included transitioning to planned agricultural production, bringing uncultivated lands into production, registering agricultural production areas, and expanding contract farming. We are working to increase our resilience in agricultural production concerning climate change and other factors, ensuring food supply security by increasing production and guaranteeing it."

Highlighting that last year's plant production reached 137 million tons, which is a record in the history of the Republic, Minister İbrahim Yumaklı continued, "Hopefully, when our efforts fully translate into action, we will elevate these numbers even higher. Contract farming is one of the main elements in planning agricultural production. Its widespread adoption nationwide will have a positive impact on increasing production capacity. Contract farming is the only way to move forward as a whole, encompassing both production and industry."

"We appointed agricultural counselors to 9 different countries." Minister İbrahim Yumaklı pointed out that Turkey is located in a region with a trade volume of approximately 9 trillion dollars, being one of the largest agricultural product exporting countries in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Yumaklı mentioned that Turkey exported approximately 31 billion dollars worth of agricultural products to 212 countries and regions last year, stating, "These are your successes. It is necessary to utilize this experience more effectively. As the Ministry, we come together with various elements of the sector through various means. Especially, we appointed agricultural counselors to 9 different countries. However, these colleagues are not only responsible for those countries. We have designated hinterlands for them. Agricultural counselors, along with all units of the Ministry, are ready to serve exporters. Of course, we are aware of the significant responsibilities that fall on us in the cereal, pulses, and oilseed sector. We strive to analyze developments in the sector accurately and determine effective policies and strategies."