Record increase in sesame exports

Turkey's sesame exports increased by 195 percent in the first two months of the year compared to the same period last year, reaching 19.6 million dollars.

Muhammet Öztürk, President of the Aegean Grains, Pulses, Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association, stated in his statement that Turkey's sesame exports, which were 77 million dollars in 2022, increased by 62 percent to 124.5 million dollars in 2023.

Stating that the new target in sesame exports is to reach 250 million dollars, Öztürk said:

"The largest importer of sesame is China, with 1.6 billion dollars. Since our sesame is of high quality, its unit price goes for 2.4 dollars. China imports it at 1.5 dollars. Japan and European countries, which are a selective market, buy our quality sesame. Japan" In the January-February period of 2024, our sesame exports throughout Turkey increased by 170 percent compared to the same period last year, from 660 thousand dollars to 1.7 million dollars. Our exports increased by 195 percent from 6 million 645 thousand dollars in the January-February period of 2024. "It increased to 19 million 632 thousand dollars."

Öztürk stated that in the January-February period, cumin exports increased by 106 percent to 2 million 242 thousand dollars, and anise exports increased by 111 percent to 754 thousand dollars.

In the statement, it was stated that 6.6 million dollars of the country's sesame exports in the January-February period were realized by Aegean exporters.