Exports of 5.9 billion dollars from Turkey to its neighbors in the first quarter

In the January-March period of this year, Turkey exported 5 billion 948 million 129 thousand dollars to its neighbors Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Greece. In the first quarter of this year, the most products from the grain, pulses, oilseeds and their products sector were sold to neighboring countries.

According to information compiled from the Ministry of Commerce and Turkish Exporters Assembly data, Turkey's exports in the first quarter of this year were recorded as 63.7 billion dollars. This was the "best first quarter export" performance.

In the January-March period, Turkey exported 5 billion 948 million 129 thousand dollars to its neighbors Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Greece.

The amount in question was at the level of 5 billion 99 million dollars in the same period last year. Thus, exports to these countries increased by 16.7 percent in the January-March period compared to the same period last year.

During this period, the highest export was made to Iraq with 2 billion 731 million 316 thousand dollars. This country was followed by Bulgaria with 1 billion 27 million 792 thousand dollars, Greece with 665 million 663 thousand dollars, Iran with 583 million 962 thousand dollars, Syria with 551 million 31 thousand dollars and Armenia with 124 thousand dollars. The country where exports increased the most on an annual basis was Iraq with 33.9 percent.

When the distribution of Turkey's exports to its neighbors in 3 months by sectors was examined, it was seen that the grains, pulses, oilseeds and their products sector ranked first. In the January-March period, 828 million 360 thousand dollars of exports were made to neighboring countries from this sector. This sector was followed by "chemical substances and products" with 802 million 670 thousand dollars, and "furniture, paper and forest products" with 497 million 473 thousand dollars.

The sectors with the least exports were ornamental plants and their products with 7 million 556 dollars and hazelnuts and their products with 14 million 16 thousand dollars.

Turkey has 8 neighbors in terms of land borders. These are Iran, Greece, Iraq, Georgia, Greece, Bulgaria, Nakhchivan and Armenia. Since there is no data for Nakhchivan, it was not included in the calculation.