In the first quarter, exports worth $319,990,000 were made from Trabzon

In the first three months of the year, exports worth $319,990,203 were realized from Trabzon.

Saffet Kalyoncu, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Black Sea Exporters Association (DKİB), stated in a written statement that the exports realized from Trabzon during the January-March period of 2024 reached $319,990,203, increasing by 2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Kalyoncu emphasized that the highest export, amounting to $199,623,405, was realized in the hazelnut sector. He noted that $41,376,565 worth of exports were in the aquatic products and derivatives sector, $36,238,270 in fresh fruits and vegetables, $9,148,552 in automotive and related industries, and $7,705,384 in defense and aerospace industries.

Kalyoncu pointed out that exports were made from Trabzon to 110 countries in three months, and he conveyed that the top 5 countries with the highest exports were Italy, the Russian Federation, Germany, Poland, and France.

Kalyoncu emphasized that exports to Germany increased by 13 percent, while exports to France increased by 5 percent. He stated, "There was a significant increase in exports to Japan, Peru, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Czech Republic, Denmark, China, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Belgium, and Uzbekistan. Unlike the same period last year, exports to different countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, Venezuela, and Sri Lanka were realized.